Earlier this year I had just cut the lawn by my little cabin, I sat down for a post-lawn moving beer and for some reason I decided to take a selfie.
The phone, a LG G3, crashed at exactly the same moment I shot the picture. It rebooted, and it turned out that the phone had indeed produced a valid jpg-file. A very strange jpg-file.
Attachment 3886274
It seems to have encoded the (normally invisible) post-messages (or similar) in as IMAGE DATA. That's like... increadible. Ok, if it had filled the jpg-file with binary data that was a result of the post-text, but no. This is still a properly encoded jpg.
What happened? Does the camera use some sort of framebuffer before writing to SD? And this buffer also has something to do with the screen? Is this the camera module in itself that crashed?
The phone, a LG G3, crashed at exactly the same moment I shot the picture. It rebooted, and it turned out that the phone had indeed produced a valid jpg-file. A very strange jpg-file.
Attachment 3886274
It seems to have encoded the (normally invisible) post-messages (or similar) in as IMAGE DATA. That's like... increadible. Ok, if it had filled the jpg-file with binary data that was a result of the post-text, but no. This is still a properly encoded jpg.
What happened? Does the camera use some sort of framebuffer before writing to SD? And this buffer also has something to do with the screen? Is this the camera module in itself that crashed?
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2dkDzWF
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