Thursday, September 1, 2016

3g/H/H+ switching problem

So I've searched for about an hour now for some way to disable the H/H+ options of a 3g connection, but no luck. Is it carrier specific? I know there are codes for it, but those are only for samsungs and etc. I have a Huawei Y625-U32 and the codes do nothing. The problem is that the game i play doesnt have constant data streaming back and forth, and thus fails to keep an proper H+ connection open, and as it is constantly switching back and froth this causes lag, which renders it semi unplayable. Is there any way of keeping the H+ connection alive constantly? is there a way of disabling the switching to H+? either of these would work, i think. I could always just stay at 2G because the game doesn't need high internet speed, but then you have ping issues. Any ideas?

from xda-developers

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