Wednesday, August 31, 2016

S7 Snapdragon on AT&T? International Exynos Ulocked? Help please!

Hi - several months ago I read a lot about choosing between Exynos (intnl through Best Buy) and Snapdragon/AT&T.

It seemed there were a few tradeoffs to consider.

First and foremost people said the Exynos performance and battery life were better, but then once the Exynos phones received a software update around May they started exhibiting the battery drain issue that seemed to be plaguing Snapdragon phones. So much so that numerous people were recommending flashing back to a previous update version to avoid the battery drain bug. Reading through the forums I havent been able to figure out whether these problems have been sorted out and corrected on either phone?

I also recall that the international version did not have ability to use Samsung Pay in the US? I cant understand based on the threads I have read whether this is now in fact possible?

I Have also read varying things on the data performance on AT&T networks of the international version. It seems people have concluded that certain functions may not work but that generally 4G LTE speeds and network reception should be the same.

Is this a good summary? I would love any thoughts or advice on deciding between these two models.


from xda-developers

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