Friday, July 29, 2016

Alert Slider Problem with Tasker on OOS 3.2.2

I've been using tasker since 3.1.3 to customize the alert slider to my needs. I set up the following modes and actions:

- all: all notifications with sound + vibration
- priority: all notifications silent + vibration
- none: airplane mode (with xposed and airplane mode helper)

This worked perfectly with all versions including 3.2.1, on 3.2.2 it stopped working.

I'm not sure if it's an OS problem or a tasker problem, but something with the interrupt modes seems to be wrong.

I've set up a simple action in tasker to flash the active interrupt mode.

On 3.2.1 the modes are all - priority - none, just as they should be.

On 3.2.2 tasker shows the interrupt modes all - priority - priority, which ,eans that there is noi difference between the middle and the upper setting of the slider.

I already posted this on the oneplus homepage, but got almost no feedback. Am I the only one with this issue?

from xda-developers

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