So I recently got a new LG K7. So being a complete idiot I did not back up my phone, then I proceeded to root it with kingroot then because it only has 8gb of storage I thought "well I really want to get GTA SA on my phone so ill just delete a couple of things in there to make it work." So I deleted a ton of Google play stuff and when I realized I would not be able to accomplish my goal I found out I messed up Google play for good. Fine I said I'll just factory reset. But when I factory reseted it would so the normal checking for connection thing except that it never ends (i left it sitting like that for a full 24 hours) so... yeah... my phone is basically screwed up. I took it to Tmobile to see if they could help but they pointed me here so now I'm just seeing if any of you can help. Thanks -Daniel
from xda-developers
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