Sunday, May 1, 2016

HTC Desire 816w stock rom problem

Hi friends !
I have a stock rom problem for a while. my sister has a Htc Desire 816w dual and somehow her devise came unlocked.
we can not give the device back beause she is using it more than a year. but it started slowing down again.
i have been searching a stock ruu and i wanna relock bootloader but i can not find it.
i have tried just relock the bootloader but when i do this the devices isnt turn on. when you press the power button it goes immediatly into bootloader menu. i did those, just relock bootloader, relock bootloader than factory reset, a lot of stoch roms all of them are didnt help.
cid : HTCCN703
mid : 0P9C70000

i need a stock rom rar and relock the bootloader and install the stock rom from sdcard.

from xda-developers

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