With all the random qhsusb_bulk hardbricks coming around, I've decided to create a thread to share debrick.img files just in case. You do not need to create this, but if you ever need it, you'll be glad you did.
If you ever HARDBRICK your phone, which can be caused by flashing an incompatible ROM, bad bootloader flash, or anything, your processor will fallback into a mode called USB_BULK mode. In this mode, it will await an SD card with a special image flashed to it, called debrick.img, and boot to that. Once booted from the SDcard, it will await a firmware flash from a computer (download mode.)
However, this image needs to be specific to the bootloader version the phone was running before the hardbrick occured. That's why I've created this thread: people on different bootloaders can share their debrick images.
Flash this in TWRP/FlashFire/SafeStrap
Your debrick.img (may be named something else, look for the .img at the end) will be in your external SD card and share it here please for others who may need it
BACK THIS UP EVERYWHERE. Google drive, dropbox, mediafire, everywhere. DO NOT loose this.
If you ever have the unfortunate luck of needing to use a debrick image, here's what to do:
-Download Win32DiskImager
-Put your microsd into your PC (yes you will need an adapter in some cases)
-Use Win32DiskImager to write the debrick.img to the SD card
-Put the SDcard into the phone and do Vol Dn+Power+Home
-Your device should boot into Download Mode, and you should see "SDCARD MODE" at the top right
-Flash stock firmware using Odin
Downloads will be added to the 2nd post
If you ever HARDBRICK your phone, which can be caused by flashing an incompatible ROM, bad bootloader flash, or anything, your processor will fallback into a mode called USB_BULK mode. In this mode, it will await an SD card with a special image flashed to it, called debrick.img, and boot to that. Once booted from the SDcard, it will await a firmware flash from a computer (download mode.)
However, this image needs to be specific to the bootloader version the phone was running before the hardbrick occured. That's why I've created this thread: people on different bootloaders can share their debrick images.
Flash this in TWRP/FlashFire/SafeStrap
Your debrick.img (may be named something else, look for the .img at the end) will be in your external SD card and share it here please for others who may need it
BACK THIS UP EVERYWHERE. Google drive, dropbox, mediafire, everywhere. DO NOT loose this.
If you ever have the unfortunate luck of needing to use a debrick image, here's what to do:
-Download Win32DiskImager
-Put your microsd into your PC (yes you will need an adapter in some cases)
-Use Win32DiskImager to write the debrick.img to the SD card
-Put the SDcard into the phone and do Vol Dn+Power+Home
-Your device should boot into Download Mode, and you should see "SDCARD MODE" at the top right
-Flash stock firmware using Odin
Downloads will be added to the 2nd post
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/27UCqrl
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