Since around a week i noticed very high usage of Android System proccess. Its taking a lot of battery juice. I switched between various ROMS global/dev it doesnt solve the problem. I see people getting easily 8-10h of SOT while im at.....well check yourself screenshots. Brightness auto, no sms, no calls, only a little data LTE. This is unacceptable.
And the "Android System" is now at 21% in apps, earlier it wasnt even present or of it was it was very low few percentages.
I think i did everything i could. Yesterday flashed global stable with MiFlash choosing "flash all".
Going down from 100% to 90 as you see it takes just around 15 minutes. Why is that ? Going frokm 100% to 99 takes like 30 seconds. Is it possible its faulty battery in my model ?
Any ideas ?
Since around a week i noticed very high usage of Android System proccess. Its taking a lot of battery juice. I switched between various ROMS global/dev it doesnt solve the problem. I see people getting easily 8-10h of SOT while im at.....well check yourself screenshots. Brightness auto, no sms, no calls, only a little data LTE. This is unacceptable.
And the "Android System" is now at 21% in apps, earlier it wasnt even present or of it was it was very low few percentages.
I think i did everything i could. Yesterday flashed global stable with MiFlash choosing "flash all".
Going down from 100% to 90 as you see it takes just around 15 minutes. Why is that ? Going frokm 100% to 99 takes like 30 seconds. Is it possible its faulty battery in my model ?
Any ideas ?
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/21hvf81
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