Thursday, April 28, 2016

Custom/reliable rom/operating system

So I am going to post this here, because the development section is ferboten to people trying to offer useful suggestions. Geez, I hope this is the right section.

Let me set it up. ANDROID IS BASED ON THE LINUX KERNEL. Everything, and I mean everything after that fact becomes android and bloat. Given this as the basis of all things android, I have a simple set of guidelines that should be used to create a solid, reliable, bullet proof operating system for devices able to use the android operating system.

#1. Create the kernel boot section of the basic platform that supports the very basic hardware features, including touch screen, radios, power/charging/battery management, wifi, bluetooth, nearfield, audio, microphone, s-pen,etc. Basics only.

#2 At this point STOP. Every single process or service to be run on the device from this point forward should be able to be individually selectable - or not. Yes, I understand that individual services or apps may have dependancies to other processes and that thouse need to be functional in order for a particular app to work. That is why, each additional service or app must list the dependencies and in the selection process, the installion will be required to verify you have the proper services installed and functioning, if not to list them and allow you to make the decision to proceed. Viola, we have NO MORE BLOAT WARE.

#3 Make selecting additional services/apps selection process a menu driven, tag selectable process. Make the unselection process smart to verify and identify the other apps dependant on the item you are killing/removing.

#4 Allow a built in snapshot option to capture the entire system as you have customized it for yourself and allow it to be backed up to external memory with the ability to bring it back, AT WILL. With no big hassles.

Those 4 items are a good start. By themselves alone, it would put all of us in the drivers seat of controlling and living with our devices.

I am aware that such a system is not for everyone. It does require some basic technical understanding of the process. But for the vast majority of users, I am certain, that an a la carte system is far superior to the bloated monstrosities being forced down our devices.

I would appreciate any refinements to my suggestions.

from xda-developers

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